
We ensure Safe and A happy commute for Over 30,000 + Employees from top IT, ITES,BPO, Manufacturing & Pharma Companies daily in an organised manner.

We ensure safe travel over 20,000+ smiles everyday of top schools in Bangalore with utmost care & safety.

We organise vehicles for emergency and short notice requirements.

With having 85% of Own fleet we are a go to service provider for corporate events for most of top corporates.

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Who We Are ?

We are a safe and reliable medium of travel to our customers. With personal ground transportation being our core business, Infant’s offers a complete solution, which is tailor-made for each client’s transportation needs. Infant's provides comprehensive end to end solutions for its customers with cost efficient and hassle-free employee transportation. Two and half decades later, we are proud ourselves in achieving a strong reputation as the leading provider of employees transport services in Bangalore.

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Salient Features

Trained Drivers
A programme for follow-up and training where drivers, staff and attendents are informed about how their driving behavior impacts safeguard that are well skilled, trained & polite.
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Vehicle Tracking
The real time view of the vehicle's location enabled for management of vehicles. Vehicles equipped with GPS and other applications allow us and our clients to track the vehicles.
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Eco-Friendly Fleet
We operate an eco-friendly fleet to meet the growing demand for energy-efficient, environmentally sustainable transportation alternatives and addresses the need for air quality preservation
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Bangalore's largest employee transportation company

We cater to most of the top leading IT/BPO/ITES and other multinational companies.

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What Clients Say About Us

Clients Testimonial

4500 We Operate Daily Schedule
120450 Perform Per Day Kms
2000 Fleet Size
2000 Operating Staff